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Select the You Tube icon to view a Video Tutorial (some links are completed yet)
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Enter Activities

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Select the Enter Activity Tile on the Main Page or from the Side Menu.
This will then open the Main Categories page
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Main Categories Page

Select the Main Category relating to the work you are completing.

This will then open the Sub Categories page

The Tiles displayed on this page will change depending on your qualification and provider.
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Sub Categories Page

Select the Sub Category relating to the work you are completing.

This will then open the Activity Details page.

The Tiles displayed on this page will change depending on your Main Category Selection as well as your qualification and provider.
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Activity Details Page

Select Activity from the dropdown list (max 3)

Address/Project name from the dropdown list

Use the slider to select how many
Hours you completed

Select the
Date from the date picker

Type your Notes in the notes text box

Check Save to Time Sheet if you would like to also save your entry as a timesheet entry

Add Photo to add an image/s from the camera app or images folder (max 3)

Select ‘Save’ to save and open the Confirm Entry Page

Main and Subcategory text will change depending on your selections
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Confirm Entry Page
Use this page to check you have entered your information correctly.

Select ‘Return and Edit’ if you want to make a change or ‘Save’ if you are happy to continue, a pop up confirming the entry has been saved will be displayed then the Another Entry page will be opened.

If you don’t have an internet connection a pop up explaining the app cannot connect to the server and will save the entry to the devices storage until a connection is made again
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Another Entry Page

Use this page to quickly save another entry like your previous one.

Details from the previous entry will be transferred to this page except for any photos and the Add to Time Sheet will be unchecked.

Edit the details and then select
Save to continue to the Confirm Entry Page.

If you don’t want to add a similar entry select
Return to Menu
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Student Log

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Select the Enter Activity Tile on the Main Page or from the Side Menu.
This will then open the Main Categories page
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Student Log Page

Scroll down the list to view your most recent entries

Use the dropdown lists to specify which entries you would like to view and then select
Show Entries two view a filtered list

Select an Entry to open the Edit Entry Page

Export to PDF to create a Portfolio Document of your Selected Entries.
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Export Entries to PDF

A PDF download will be created, which you can open and view.

You will need to select all then copy and paste into another app e.g. Word, Pages, OneNote to edit and format the document.

This feature requires Chrome and a CORS extension to work, see the ‘Quick Start’ section for more info.
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Edit Entry Page

Details from the entry will be displayed this page except for the Add to Time Sheet checkbox.

Edit the details and then select
Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the Student Log page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Student Log page.
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Tool Register

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Select the Tool Register Tile on the Main Page or from the Side Menu.

This will then open the Tool Register page
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Tool Register Page

Scroll down to view your tools.

Select a status button to filter the list by; current/on loan/broken/removed.

Enter New Tool to add a tool or piece of equipment.

Select a tool to view and edit its details
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New Tool Page

Type: Free text to describe what type of tool it is e.g. Drill, Circular Saw.

Brand: Free text to name the brand of the tool e.g. Dewalt, Makita

Model: Free text to name the model of the tool. This can usually be found on the body of the tool

Serial #: Free text to list the serial number of the tool. This can usually be found on the body of the tool

Tool ID: Free text to identify the tool in your kit. You may have already engraved your name on your tool, why not add the number in which you bought it e.g. T01 for the 1st tool, T02 for the 2nd.

Date Purchased: Date picker to select the date you purchased or received the tool.

Purchase Value: Free Text if you want to add the cost of the tool.

Notes: Free Text to add any notes about the tool e.g. condition, when it has been serviced.

Staff: Free Text so you can record who you have lent the tool to.

Team: Free Text so you can record which team you have lent this tool to or where it is stored.

Add Photo: Opens the devices options to use the camera to take a photo or to select an image from the devices folders.

Select Save to save your entry, a pop up will show that your entry has been saved and then you will return to the Tool Register page.
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Edit Tool Page

Details about the tool will be displayed this page, including the photo (if applicable).

Edit the details and then select
Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the Tool Register page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Tool Register page.
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Time Sheets

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Select the Time Sheet Tile on the Main Page or from the Side Menu.
This will then open the Time Sheets page
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Time Sheet Page

Select all, a project or projects from the date range, then select a date range using the from and to Date Pickers. Then select Show Entries to display them.

Once you have filtered and shown your entries, you can export and send them via your devices email app as a text and a CSV file by selecting
Export Entries. Once you have completed sending the email, you will be returned to the Time Sheets Page.

Select an entry to view and edit its details.

To add a new entry select
New Time Sheet Entry and the Entry Time Sheet page will be opened.
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Time Sheet Entry page

Date: Use the date picker to select a date

Start time: Use the time picker to select a time

Finish time: Use the time picker to select a time

Hours: Use the slider to select how many hours you worked

Project: Use the dropdown list to select a project

Notes: Free text to add any additional notes to your entry

Add Photo to add an image/s from the camera app or images folder (max 3)

Save to save your entry, a pop up will show that your entry has been saved and then you will return to the Time Sheet page.

To cancel creating the new entry select the back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Time Sheet page.
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Edit Time Sheet Entry page

Edit the details and then select Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the Time Sheet page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Time Sheet page.
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To Do Lists

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Select the To Do List Tile on the Main Page or from the Side Menu.
This will then open the To Do List page
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To Do List Page

Create a New List to add a new list

Scroll down to view all your lists

Use the
Filter by Status dropdown list to show the lists by Not started/In Progress/Completed.

Select an Entry to view the items.
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Create New List Page

List Name: Free Text to name the list

Project: Use the dropdown to select a project

Date Created: Use the date picker to select a date

Status: Use the dropdown to select Not Started/In Progress/Completed

Notes: Free Text to add any notes about the list

To add an image select
Add Photo and a pop will be shown where you can select Take Picture to use the devices camera, Choose from Gallery to select an image from the devices folders or Close to cancel adding an image.

Save to save your entry, a pop up will show that your entry has been saved and then you will return to the To Do List page.

To cancel creating the new list select the back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the To Do List page.
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List Page

Scroll down to view your List Items.

Select a status button to filter the list by; Not Started/In Progress/Completed

Add New Item to add new item

Update To Do List to view and edit its details

Select an item to view and edit its details
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Edit To Do List page

Edit the details and then select Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the To Do List page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the To Do List page.
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Enter New Item page

Item No: Non-editable

Item Name: Free Text to identify the item

Room/Element: Free Text to identify where the item is located

Location: Free Text as a second method to identify the items location

Assigned to: Free Text if the item has to be completed by someone

Start Date: Date Picker to select when the item was created or when it was/will be started

Finish Date: Date Picker to select when the item should be completed

Status: Dropdown list to select the status of the item Not Started/In Progress/Completed

Item Description: Free Text to describe the item

Follow up Description: Free Text to describe the actions to be completed to close the item.

To add an image select
Add Photo and a pop will be shown where you can select Take Picture to use the devices camera, Choose from Gallery to select an image from the devices folders or Close to cancel adding an image.

Save to save your entry, a pop up will show that your entry has been saved and then you will return to the List page.

To cancel creating the new list select the back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the List page.
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Edit Item Page

Edit the details and then select Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the List page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the List page.
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Select Projects from the Side Menu or in the top righthand corner of new/edit - activities/timesheets/to do lists.

This will then open the Projects page
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Project Page

Scroll down to view your Projects.

Select a status button to filter the list by; All/Active/Completed

New Project to add a new project

Select an item to view and edit its details
Stacks Image 1019
New Project Page

Project Name: Free Text to name the project

Notes: Free Text to add additional notes about the project

Start Date: Date picker to select the date the project started or is due to start.

To add an image select
Add Photo and a pop will be shown where you can select Take Picture to use the devices camera, Choose from Gallery to select an image from the devices folders or Close to cancel adding an image.

Save to save your entry, a pop up will show that your entry has been saved and then you will return to the Projects page.

To cancel creating the new list select the back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Projects page.
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Edit Project Page

Edit the details and then select Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the Projects page.

Delete if you want to permanently remove the entry, a pop up will be shown taking you to confirm the deletion. Selecting Okay will remove the entry, selecting cancel will close the pop up.

If you don’t want to make an edit or you wish to cancel any changes select the
back icon in the top left corner of the screen and you will be returned to the Projects page.


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Select the Extras Tile on the Main Page then News from the Extras Page list or News from the Side Menu.

This will then open the News page
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News Page

Scroll down to view the list of websites containing Industry related news.

Select a website to open it within the app.

iOS: select
Done in the bottom left of screen to close

Android: Select
Done in the top right of the screen to close

CSC Discounts

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Select the Extras Tile on the Main Page then CSC Discounts from the Extras Page list. This will then open the CSC Discounts webpage.

Or CSC Discounts from the Side Menu, then
Continue to CSC Discounts Page to open the CSC Discounts webpage
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CSC Discounts webpage

Scroll down to view the list of suppliers and select to open the Supplier Details Page

iOS: select
Done in the bottom left of screen to close

Android: Select
Done in the top right of the screen to close
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Supplier Details Page

Show Code when you are at the Point of Sale to show pop up with the promo code required to receive the discount. Select OK to close the pop up.

iOS: select
Done in the bottom left of screen to close

Android: Select
Done in the top right of the screen to close
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Link Accounts

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Select Link Accounts from the Side Menu.

This will then open the Link Accounts page
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Link Accounts page

Select Link Worker to link your accounts so that you can view their Entered Activities and Time Sheet Entries.

Select Link Employer/Manager to link your accounts so that they can view your Entered Activities and Time Sheet Entries

Scroll down to view the list of Accounts you have access to.

You cannot edit this list, to remove an account you must complete this on that users account.
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Link your Worker page

The Employer/Manager code is displayed here

Linking accounts and getting access to another users entered activities and time sheet can only be completed on their account by using ‘Link Your Employer/Manager’.
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Link Your Employer/Manager page

If you have given access to another user, their code will be displayed here.

Remove Access will show a pop up asking you to confirm if you want to remove access.

To give another user access to your Entered Activities or Time Sheet Entries, enter their code and select
Add Employer. See above link your worker to display their code.

Employer/Manager access only allows adding and editing of the Employer/Manager comments box in your Entered Activities.


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Select Settings from the side Menu
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Settings pages

Displays the current personal information and Educational Provider details App-Rentice has saved on your account.

Update Details to edit your personal information.

Educational Provider details can only be changed by the Provider Admin or HOD.
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Edit Details page

Edit the details and then select Update to continue, a pop up confirming the changes has been saved will be displayed and then you will be returned to the Settings page.

Your email must be valid to allow you to reset your password


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Select the Extras Tile on the Main Page then Help from the Extras Page list.

Or Help from the Side Menu.
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Help Page

Scroll down to view the list of webpages containing App-Rentice help and tutorial documents.

Select a help topic to open it within the app.

iOS: select
Done in the bottom left of screen to close

Android: Select
Done in the top right of the screen to close