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We plan to have this page completed by the End of July

Save Time.... Literally

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Create a Timesheet

* On the Main Screen select 'Timesheet'.

* Select 'New Timesheet Entry'

* Select your date (defaults to the days date)
* Select your Start/Finish times
* Select your hours (defaults to 1)
* Select your Project
- Enter your Notes (optional)
* Select 'Save'

View/Edit and Export previous Entries

* Filter by:
- Project
- Users (if you are an employer)
- Dates

* Clear your Filter to reset.

* Email your timesheet as a CSV file

Why do it twice?

You need to save your work for your Qualification, save a timesheet at the same time.
Continuing with our focus of saving time and making you more efficient information saved as an Activity Entry can also create a Timesheet Entry.

Creating a Timesheet from entered Activities already provides your daily entry with more detail, why re-enter it again on paper or another app.

Software Integration

We've signed up to the Xero Developer programme and we're researching more options

We're focusing on providing the front end user experience or 'the app you use onsite', all data is being provided so that it can be exported into another accounting, project management system.

Currently it's only a CSV export but we are open to discuss your needs to integrate with your exisiting software.