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These features are available to be included in your App but may require additional time.

Site Inductions

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When workers have 'signed in' using the QR Code for the 1st time (or the SSSP changes), instead of going back to the main screen when they tap save, it will go to the Site Induction Screen. This will be displayed as multiple pages to 'flick' though, followed by a questionnaire &/or 'I accept' screen.

By tapping the icon again the user will be able re-read the induction making access to Hazard Controls and Emergency Procedures quick and simple.

The Site Induction process is created by your Company and the your App will be designed to accommodate this, not the like other Apps which require you to do things there way. A case study to this effect is a Company had daily site planning meetings where the site manager talked through all the identified hazards for the day, removing this and having workers self induct wasn’t the preferred option so we made it easier for the site manager to record his ‘morning talks’

Industry Publications and Tool Box Talks

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Having all your Companies; policies, procedures and documented instructions along with Trade publications and industry standard guides available for you workers to quickly access is an important part of eliminating or minimising mistakes

You can have multiple folders with different types documents or publications as well as notify your team when a new publication / document is available or must be read via a push to notification. Reminders when a 'must read' is ignored can be used as well as having them displayed after a worker has signed into one of your sites.

If you already have a website setup with all your required information available we can simply redirect the worker, if you don’t have a website setup to store this information we can help you here as well
click here or on the icon to see a demo

With both methods you are able to save the website pages or documents to your device for viewing offline.

Upload Site Photo’s

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Give your workers the ability to quickly take photographs of their work and save them to the site folder on your website/server or cloud storage like iCloud, Google Doc’s or OneDrive.

The job site is automatically taken when the worker signs in, so there is no need to choose folders before or after taking the photo.

Site Audits & Checklists

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Using your existing audit or checklists as a template we can easily create electronic versions that can be used on your device. The completed form can be emailed or printed as a PDF as well as all information being saved to an online database

Like the Site Inductions, the Audit Screen can be set to come up when a set duration has passed e.g. every two weeks or you have set a requirement e.g. high winds require scaffolding to be checked or a near hit / incident has occurred on another site and you want all sites checked.

Content within the forms and how or when they are completed are down to your Company policies, we just make it easier.

Hazard and Near Hit Reporting

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By making it easier to enter Near Hits or Hazards you can greatly increase the safety of your team.

To start entering its only takes two steps:
  • Open app,
  • tap the Hazard and Near Hit Reporting icon.
and all information currently know is automatically entered:
  • Site address (taken from QR Code at sign in)
  • Worker info (from profile screen)
  • Current time taken (editable)
All specific information can then be typed in with Photo's being able to be added from in the App.

Once a report is created it can be; sent as an email If Hazard Control is determined, added to SSSP and new sign in's notified via induction screen or sent out to all users as a Safety Alert

Your Company H&S policy will state how you handle H&S reporting and we will develop your App to accommodate this and make it easier.